Now a Liability? Balch’s Success in Changing Russian Sanctions
The Washington Post made a strong observation as they wrote about Russian ties to the President’s orbit of advisors.
“While Trump has sought to dismiss these Russia ties as insignificant, or characterized the people involved in them as peripheral figures, it has now become clear that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III views at least some of them as important pieces of his sprawling investigation of Russian meddling in last year’s presidential campaign. Documents released last week as part of Papadopoulos’s guilty plea show that Mueller’s team is deeply interested in the Trump campaign’s operations, including possible links to Moscow, at even the lowest levels.“
That’s what makes Black Hall Aerospace, Inc. a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. so significant. Then-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions was going to endorse then-candidate Trump at that Russian-linked aerospace company in Huntsville owned by a Soviet-immigrant. (The venue was changed at the last moment.)
Who made that initial decision? What favors were they trying to obtain?
As we told Mueller’s team:
“On or about March 2, 2017, after we had exposed them in our public education campaign, Balch scrubbed their website of all references to their successful lobbying in D.C. of changing Russian sanctions for Black Hall Aerospace. The website scrub not only created a cover-up, it magnified to what lengths Balch would go to sugar-coat the past. In addition, their [now former] top lobbyist in Washington changed his resume, removing all references to his success in changing Russian sanctions. What in the world is Balch hiding?”
Yes, hiding. Maybe Mueller’s team will find out the truth.