Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

Ex-Balch Partner and Ex-Drummond Executive Must Report to Federal Prison Before Halloween

We are told that convicted felon and Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert and ex-Drummond Executive David Roberson must report to federal prison before the end of October.

The news is devastating for Balch as they have been hammered in recent weeks by an alleged pedophile arrest of an ex-Balch attorney, who solicited a child online.

With an alleged elderly exploitation scandal, an alleged housing assistance debacle in Mississippi, and allegations of racism rocking the embattled firm, Balch is hurting from all sides.

Images of the convicted felons entering prison will sadly not rehabilitate Balch’s damaged and tarnished reputation.

Gilbert is to serve 5 years while Roberson will serve half the amount, 30 months, for the criminal scheme known as the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal.

We believe the Biden Administration will take a deeper look at the Three Stooges (Alabama Power, Balch, and Drummond Company).

As we wrote in March:

North Birmingham appears to have been a side-show, a distraction to the the real objective: squashing the tiny environmental group GASP before the group could start probing the Miller Steam Plant, one of the biggest greenhouse polluting, coal-burning plants in the nation, according to recent news reports.

We, the CDLU, are not environmentalists.

However, having investigated numerous unsavory businesses and inept government agencies in the past two decades, we understand that something at the Miller Steam Plant in Jefferson County made Alabama Power [Balch’s sister-wife] concerned, gravely concerned.

The rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal, other federal investigations, a possible SCOTUS hearing, and an eventual RICO lawsuit will eventually come to fruition, but Gilbert and Roberson will be out of pocket, dandily dressed in prison orange.


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