North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

Balch Defends “Public Nuisance” that Burns Toxic Wooden Rail Ties in Georgia

Sometimes we shake our heads in disbelief.

Balch & Bingham, which appears to believe a news release is suffice to cover up their alleged racist and possible criminal conduct, has demonstrated, repeatedly, truly foolish decisions that appear to hurt the firm. reports:

Georgia Renewable Power Co. has been hit with nearly two dozen lawsuits claiming its biomass plant in the northeastern part of the state is emitting odors, noise and causing vibrations in neighboring homes, devaluing the land and making life for the residents almost unlivable.

The 23 suits, removed to the Middle District of Georgia from Franklin County State Court on Friday, were brought by a collection of landowners seeking unspecified damages who claim the plant operators are negligent and creating a nuisance.

According to the lawsuits, Georgia Renewable Power heard objections to the possible noise and smells the plant would emit from neighbors at meetings of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners concerning the construction. Franklin County declared the plant a public nuisance in December 2019.

And what law firm is proudly defending the public nuisance that is emitting odors and noise?

Balch & Bingham.

Once the most feared and prestigious law firms in the southeast, Balch has apparently become, sadly, the laughing stock of the legal community.

With the affirmation of the criminal conviction of Balch-made millionaire and ex-partner Joel I. Gilbert last month who engaged in a scheme to suppress poor African-Americans in North Birmingham from having their toxic property tested by the EPA, the defense of a company that appears to be polluting a rural, low-income community in Georgia could not come at a worse time.

Some critics may call Balch “bottom-feeders” while others may compare them to the fictional law firm of Milton, Chadwick, Waters from the movie The Devil’s Advocate.

But now with Corporate America under pressure to fight climate change and environmental racism, Balch & Bingham may need to seriously consider internal reforms more than drafting another fluff news release.


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