Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case

Immunity Deal Comes Back to Bite “Confused” General Counsel at Drummond

[This post originally appeared on November 10, 2020. Now that David Roberson’s $75 million civil case has been sealed in its entirety, the court procedings and documents are unavailable. However, the no-brainer immunity deal that was declined is the talk of outside observers.]

In 2017, the criminal defense team of ex-Drummond Executive David Roberson allegedly flat-out rejected a full immunity deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

And what would have David Roberson done for that immunity deal?

According to sources, the federal government wanted Roberson to honestly testify about the alleged bribes from Drummond Company to politicians.

The testimony the feds also sought included details of an alleged bribery ring of “do-not-ask” but “just-send-the-check” co-conspirators.

But Roberson’s criminal attorneys allegedly rejected the deal.

With the criminal attorneys being paid generously (to this day) by Drummond Company, some observers wonder:

Was the rejection of the immunity deal done solely for Drummond’s benefit at Roberson’s expense?

The Roberson Family

Blake Andrews, General Counsel of Drummond Company, was allegedly so “confused” by the invoices in the North Birmingham Bribery Scheme, he allegedly had Roberson sign off on them as the “fall guy.”

Was “Confused” Andrews involved in any way with the rejection of this immunity deal?

Roberson’s civil litigation team is dispatching discovery requests and video deposition subpoenas.

Roberson’s civil attorneys should dig deep into Andrews communications with Roberson’s criminal defense team and make sure there were no alleged strings-attached to his detriment.

What was Roberson’s reward for keeping his mouth shut and being loyal?

Drummond allegedly vowed to keep him on the payroll, pay for his criminal litigation costs, and take care of Roberson and his family.

Yet six months after his conviction, Roberson was terminated. He lost his home, his possessions, and barely can pay for the prescription drugs of his family members.

Now, Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit against Drummond and Balch & Bingham is moving forward.

The judge refused to dismiss the promissory fraud count where the Robersons asserted they both turned down employment opportunities and the selling of their home for a profit based on Drummond’s assurances that appear to have been lies.

Drummond always has declared loyalty, absolute loyalty to their employees.

Regardless of the morality of the matter, David Roberson saved Drummond Company $100 to $150 million in costs in the North Birmingham CERLA matter.

And now some folks at Drummond appear to be “dazed and confused.”


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