With Neon Lights Shining, Will Biden Administration Target Drummond Company?
For the almost four years that we have been advocating that Balch & Bingham reform themselves top to bottom, we have learned one truth: those closely associated with or defending Balch make the dumbest, most foolish, and poorest decisions at the worst time possible.
In the summer of 2017 at the height of two federal investigations of the embattled law firm, Balch stupidly decided to attack us, the CDLU, publicly and seal the entire Newsome Conspiracy Case in an unconstitutional and secretive Star Chamber.
Then there was disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town who foolishly chugged down cocktails with ex-Balch partner and Alabama Power CEO Mark A. Crosswhite allegedly during or shortly after the indictment of Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert.
And now, today, to Drummond’s own detriment, the infamous “confused” general counsel at Drummond, Blake Andrews, appears to have put up a big, bright neon-sign saying “Look at Us” while ex-Drummond Executive David Roberson’s attorneys proceed to re-investigate the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal with an avalanche of discovery requests and video depositions.
Is this what Drummond Company’s Board of Directors truly wants? To be in the spotlight of the new Biden Administration which has vowed to make climate change and environmental justice top priorities?
The return of hard-charging Obama-era appointees at the EPA, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Department of Justice means that Drummond Company, which earns revenue from leasing out their properties and coal mines in the United States, may become a target and could suffer from severe scrutiny next year.
Balch stooge and ex-EPA official Trey Glenn has promised to sing like a bird. And some of the testimony could be devastating to Drummond.
The setting up of “Fall Guy” David Roberson has become an embarrassment. Allegedly when the first invoice came in from Balch to reimburse them for payment to the Oliver Robinson Foundation, the invoice was addressed to and mailed or emailed to Drummond’s General Counsel Blake Andrews.
Instead of laying low, Drummond Company is foolishly ramping up more scrutiny, more questions, and adding more powerful lights to Andrews’ big, bright neon sign.
Drummond really needs to pull the plug.