North Birmingham Bribery Case

From Get Smart Tarrant to Get the Facts

Are supporters of Balch & Bingham and convicted felon Joel I. Gilbert thumbing their noses at the U.S. Attorney’s office?

The absurd op-ed defending Balch & Bingham and Gilbert’s abhorrent conduct is now part of an orchestrated advertising campaign on Google searches targeting Alabama area mobile phones.

Anyone searching for information about the Oliver Robinson sentencing or even BanBalch.com, may see the ad about “Corruption & Pollution”  and “Get the Facts” linking you to Guy V. Martin, Jr.’s op-ed on the Yellowhammer.com website. (Screenshot from September 27th above.)

The identical op-ed by Martin now has appeared on the Alabama Political Reporter website and an edited version on AL.com.

With three published versions and a paid ad campaign, the digital AstroTurf campaign appears to have changed the old slogan from “Get Smart Tarrant” to “Get the Facts.”

Assistant U.S. Attorney George Martin declared last week at Oliver Robinson’s sentencing that the other bribery co-conspirators (Gilbert and Drummond executive David Roberson)  “still deny involvement” even though they were convicted unanimously by a jury on all 6 federal charges.

Who are the idiots paying for this digital AstroTurf campaign?

Do they really think they can rehabilitate Balch’s battered image as the firm faces at least one or two major civil RICO actions in the next several months?

Do they honestly believe this campaign will help either Gilbert or Roberson when they are sentenced later this month? Or will it only reaffirm the pair’s alleged lack of contrition and shameless arrogance?


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