Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

Balch & Bingham Arrogantly Disrespects Alabama Supreme Court

Who do Balch & Bingham think they are to make these unsolicited demands? The Gods of Montgomery? The shadow government of Alabama?


Balch & Bingham’s legal counsel, Andrew “Andy2K” Campbell, has filed yet another unsolicited response with the Alabama Supreme Court against Burt Newsome’s Writ of Mandamus. The Writ asks for the immediate recusal of the Queen of the Star Chamber, Judge Carole Smitherman and the striking of all her orders in the Newsome Conspiracy Case.

Smitherman, who accepted a $2,000 campaign contribution from Andy2K in February, has demonstrated unrestrained judicial bias against Newsome.

But in this filing, instead of lying, Andy2K appears to disrespect the Alabama Supreme Court by arrogantly barking orders at the court telling them what they should do and shouldn’t do.

According to Andy2K, Newsome, who appears to have protected his legal avenues and options, filed in the lower court a motion to reconsider Smitherman’s refusal to recuse herself, called a Rule 59.

Andy2K demands that instead of ruling on the Writ, the Alabama Supreme Court must stall until Rule 59 proceedings conclude or expire in the corrupt and secretive Star Chamber headed by Smitherman.

Come on!

Does anyone believe Judge Smitherman will show even a shred of impartiality after she and her husband accepted over $30,000 in questionable contributions from entities tied to Balch, Balch clients, or the Newsome Conspiracy Case? Or after her honor angrily accused Newsome of attacking her family?

Now Balch wants an illicit Star Chamber to take precedence over the Alabama Supreme Court.

Who do Balch & Bingham think they are to make these unsolicited demands? The Gods of Montgomery? The shadow government of Alabama?

After Balch & Bingham’s equity partner Joel I. Gilbert was found guilty on all six criminal charges on Friday, Balch & Bingham may foolishly believe the corruption and bribery convictions will quietly fade away, even be forgotten.

But Balch is wrong.

  • Community groups are energized more than ever and are going to demand the removal of Balch & Bingham from community boards, public charitable groups, and governmental agencies.
  • We, the CDLU, are spearheading an effort to get socially responsible corporations and Wall Street investors to suspend Balch & Bingham as the firm appears to have become a third-party risk.
  • Several RICO lawsuits against Balch & Bingham are being considered and one is expected to be filed in the next couple of weeks.
  • The sentencing of Oliver Robinson, who faces up to 100 years in federal prison, will occur on September 27, 2018, a day before the one-year anniversary of the indictment of Joel I. Gilbert and David Roberson, both of whom were convicted on Friday.
  • Expecting to be sentenced in October, Gilbert and Roberson will make new headlines as each faces up to 20 years in federal prison.

Balch & Bingham should finally learn to treat others with kindness, dignity, and respect.

Gilbert arrogantly treated the Governor,  the State Attorney General, and the Alabama Environmental Management Commission as his pawns.

Andy2K now appears to be doing the same arrogant treatment by barking unsolicited orders and demands.

The Alabama Supreme Court is the highest court of the State of Alabama, the pillar of the judicial branch, not some two-bit, obscure agency.

Time to swat these Balch poodles on the nose.


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