Balch’s Website Scrub Spurs Multiple Probes
We learned late last week that the two parties at Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. Soviet-born Oleg Sirbu, the alleged owner who lives in Dubai, and military veteran Paul Daigle, who serves as CEO, have settled their civil case.
The question now is: what will criminal probes find?
We learned two-weeks ago that the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense is looking into the matter, and have now also confirmed that the Military Criminal Investigations Command is also investigating.
Balch & Bingham successfully changed Russian sanctions for the firm and then scrubbed their website of the success after we exposed the issue last year.
We also learned recently that Balch & Bingham allegedly fired Black Hall Aerospace last year at the height of our exposure of the relationship.
If true, why would Balch have abruptly ended their lucrative relationship?
The revenue growth at the Russian-linked aerospace company was enormous at the time the lobbying took place. The skyrocketing revenue raises red flags, and serious concerns and questions.
We also reached out to the Office of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III earlier this year about alleged smurfing, the intentional act of breaking down a transaction into smaller transactions to avoid investigation by the authorities, to Russia and other foreign countries by Black Hall Aerospace.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of foreign wire transactions were made below the $10,000 government-reporting triggering point. Paul Daigle confirmed many wire transfers were made but said they were wages to employees in the Ukraine, Russia, and Afghanistan.
We are not at the least surprised that multiple investigations are happening concurrently.
These investigations appear to have started because of our investigative work and Balch’s foolish website scrub, which Balch described as an innocuous website update.