Special Counsel Eyes Russian Sanctions
Late last night, The New York Times posted a bombshell story after obtaining questions that Robert S. Mueller III, Special Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice, wants to ask President Trump including:
“What discussions did you have during the campaign regarding Russian sanctions?”
The New York Times writes, “Even as the Obama administration stepped up sanctions on Russia, Mr. Trump struck a laudatory tone toward Mr. Putin.”
We remind our readers that in November of 2015, Balch & Bingham successfully changed Russian sanctions on behalf of AAL USA, Inc. a/k/a Black Hall Aerospace, Inc., a Russian-linked aerospace company based in Huntsville, Alabama. The owner of AAL USA, Inc. is Soviet-immigrant Oleg Sirbu.
Three months later, in late February of 2016, then-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions was planning to endorse Donald Trump at Black Hall Aerospace, but the venue was changed at the last minute due to crowd size and security concerns, according to local media.
Embattled law firm Balch & Bingham was Jeff Sessions’ number two lifetime donor when he was a U.S. Senator, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
A year later, onĀ March 2, 2017, Balch & Bingham scrubbed their website of any references to successfully changing Russian sanctions, the same day as U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russian probe.
The website scrub not only created a cover-up, it magnified to what lengths Balch would go to sugar-coat the past.
In January, the CDLU received an evening phone call from a top investigator at Mueller’s Office. We also recently learned that the U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Command is probing Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc.
Oleg Sirbu and the current corporate management team at Black Hall are in the middle of a legal fight over ownership and control of assets.