Russian Sanctions Website Scrub

Balch Allegedly Fired Black Hall Aerospace

Yesterday, we had a 48 minute phone conversation with the CEO of Black Hall Aerospace, Inc.,  Paul Daigle, who had written to us via email at the end of January.

We spoke of many things, and listened carefully to the military veteran who has been involved in heated civil litigation with Oleg Sirbu, the Soviet-born immigrant.

Balch & Bingham represented Black Hall Aerospace as lobbyists in Washington D.C. between 2014 and 2017.

Mr. Daigle told us that he wanted to reach out to us last year, when we initially exposed the fact that Balch & Bingham had represented a Russian-linked aerospace company on February 15, 2017, to correct the record.

But according to Daigle, Balch allegedly discouraged him telling him that the CDLU was “nothing” and to ignore us.

Interestingly, Oleg Sirbu’s attorneys did the opposite, and reached out to us immediately. The CDLU met with Burr Forman attorneys on February 28, 2017.

Two days later, on March 2, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russian investigation while Balch & Bingham, his #2 lifetime financial supporter as U.S. Senator,  scrubbed their website of any reference to successfully changing Russian sanctions.

Coincidence? Daigle could not tell us why the website scrub occurred on the same day Sessions recused himself, but opined that anything “with an R” (as in Russian) is bad for one’s image right now especially in Washington, D.C.

How bad?

Daigle alleges that Balch ended the relationship with Black Hall Aerospace, telling him around May of 2017 that Balch could no longer represent his firm.

And what caused this sudden change of heart?

Could it have been that “nothing” they ignored?

With national reports in complemented by a digital and cable tv ad campaign against Balch & Bingham’s controversies, CDLU was embarked in an intense educational campaign in Washington D.C. about Balch & Bingham’s alleged unscrupulous conduct about the same time Balch allegedly fired Black Hall Aerospace as their client.

Nothing to this story, they say. Nothing.


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