Balch’s Lies Hurt the Firm
Instead of ending this foolishness, Balch has dug deeper into their own manure
Doing a complete reversal, embattled law firm Balch & Bingham filed a motion for a protective order with the court on late Tuesday, May 9, 2017, requesting future depositions in Alabama to be sealed after CDLU’s successful national public education campaign appears to have rocked the 200-plus member law firm, apparently leading to the firing of a partner on March 3.
In paragraph 7 of their filing, Balch blatantly lies, exposing conduct unbecoming of a prestigious law firm. Citing a change.org petition, Balch falsely wrote, “Plaintiff has demonstrated his willingness to cooperate with a consumer advocacy organization, ‘Consejo de Latinos Unidos’ (‘CDLU’), that is falsely claiming that Balch ‘cooked up’ Newsome’s arrest charges.”
But that is untrue. False. A lie.
The change.org petition actually says the following:
“Shortly after his false arrest, a partner at Balch & Bingham, a prestigious law firm in Birmingham with deep ties to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Trump Administration, emailed (on a Saturday afternoon) Newsome’s mug shot and cooked-up arrest charges to one or more of Newsome’s clients.”
The CDLU discussed emailing by Balch’s partner (who was fired on March 3rd). Obviously, Balch’s illustrious and current attorney appears to have twisted the facts for their own gain, taking the words completely out of context.
“Bold-face liars is what they are. Lying to the court; lying to themselves; lying to the public. What is Balch hiding? To blatantly lie, to turn the act of emailing into something worse shows to what lengths Balch & Bingham will go to protect their alleged insidious and scurrilous behavior. Instead of ending this foolishness, Balch has dug deeper into their own manure,” said K.B. Forbes, the Executive Director of the CDLU.
Doing a 180-degree reversal, Balch originally fought the sealing of the case two years ago. Not until the CDLU reached out to The White House and U.S. Congressional leadership, Balch & Bingham appears to have done nothing to correct the alleged misconduct at the 95 year-old law firm.
Order Granted. Depositions Sealed.
On Friday, May 19, 2017, Balch & Bingham succeeded in handing their critics the ultimate prize: a protective order in the Burt Newsome case that seals depositions, discovery material, and business information.
What is Balch hiding?
The illustrious attorneys at Balch may have felt some relief, but did not realize this brings more scrutiny and appears to confirm a possible pattern of behavior that scrubs or limits the full-truth and sugar-coats the past.
Is Balch hiding their relationship with Black Hall Aerospace? Is Balch hiding the full extent of their relationship with Oliver Robinson and his effort to disenfranchise African-Americans? Is Balch hiding the alleged unethical behavior in the Newsome case by a partner that led to his firing on March 3?