North Birmingham Bribery Case

Will the Drummond Separation End in Divorce?

Just imagine if the Drummond executive’s honesty,  hard work and integrity are contrasted before a jury against the alleged abhorrent and unprofessional conduct by Balch in the Newsome Conspiracy Case.

[ This post originally was published on December 14, 2017. Because the defendants recently lost their motion to bifurcate the case into two separate criminal cases, the case will be even more interesting to watch come June 25th.]

On September 28, 2017 when two Balch & Bingham partners were indicted along with an executive at Drummond Company, Inc. in the Oliver Robinson Bribery Scandal, Drummond issued the following statement:

When confronted with an environmental issue in Jefferson County, Alabama, Drummond retained one of the state’s most respected environmental law firms [Balch & Bingham]. The law firm engaged the Oliver Robinson Foundation to perform community outreach in connection with the matter, and Drummond understood this process was lawful and proper.

In other words, Balch allegedly gave their client horrific legal advice.

The funneling of $360,000 to a Delaware corporation to allegedly buy a politician was unlawful and improper and Balch appears to have set up the scheme.

Our anonymous sources say the U.S. Attorney’s Office gathered over 1 TB of hard evidence about the scheme.

On the same day that Drummond issued their statement, Balch appeared to have thrown their two indicted partners under the bus as they tried to salvage their reputation and fidelity with their client.

But as they have lost half of their paying lobbying clients, Balch may have some further troubles.

As legal teams comb through that terabyte of evidence, the Drummond defendant could separate from the two indicted Balch partners.

As his lawyer said in late September,  the indicted Drummond executive has “earned a stellar reputation for his honesty, integrity, and hard work.”

Just imagine if the Drummond executive’s honesty,  hard work and integrity are contrasted before a jury against the alleged abhorrent and unprofessional conduct by Balch partners in the Newsome Conspiracy Case, where a partner was allegedly fired for unprofessional conduct.

The divorce would be finalized.


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